Environmental Management

Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.

At our seasonal camp, we take great care to ensure that our impact on the land is minimal. We bring in everything we need for our guests’ comfort, but we also make sure that everything is removed entirely when we leave, allowing the land to restore itself during the months in which we don’t operate. Our commitment to the environment is reflected in our strict environmental management plan, which is audited regularly and can be viewed by anyone who is interested. So you can rest assured that when you stay with us, you’re not only enjoying a comfortable and relaxing experience, but also doing your part to help preserve our beautiful planet.

Being a seasonal camp comes with its own set of challenges, one of which is the limited access to resources such as power and water. To address this, the camp relies on a combination of generator and solar power. While the generator provides a reliable source of energy, the camp also utilizes solar power to reduce its carbon footprint and decrease its reliance on non-renewable resources. Additionally, water limitations are carefully managed through the use of low-flow fixtures and conservation practices, such as encouraging guests to take shorter showers and reuse towels. These efforts not only ensure that the camp is environmentally responsible, but also help to maintain a sustainable operation for future seasons.

Furthermore, at Kruger Untamed, we take great care to minimize our environmental impact by reducing our carbon footprint in a number of ways, including: 

– Implementing recycling programs throughout the property
 We source our ingredients locally 
 We rely on alternative electricity generation 
 We make use of chemical toilets which gets cleaned daily 
 We make use of butler-filled showers 

These efforts not only ensure that the camp is environmentally responsible, but also help to maintain a sustainable operation for future seasons.


Kruger Untamed Satara Plains Camp


Kruger Untamed Tshokwane River Camp